A virtual leadership development program for aspiring and seasoned managers.

Turning good Managers into GREAT Leaders!

Discover the SUPERPOWER that drives engagement, inspires retention, and shifts culture - The Awareness Advantage!

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.


Low engagement

High Turnover

Declining Culture

There is one persistent truth at the center of these struggles...

People don't leave organizations. They leave managers. We can help.

Give your managers the advantage they need
to influence and inspire the people they lead.

AWARENESS is the leadership advantage!

“Self-awareness seems to have become the latest management buzzword — and for good reason. Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. We make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively. We’re less likely to lie, cheat, and steal. We are better workers who get more promotions. And we’re more-effective leaders with more-satisfied employees and more-profitable companies.” Dr. Tasha Eurich, organizational psychologist, researcher, and New York Times best-selling author.

While most of us think we are self-aware, only 10-15% of us actually are.

Our Proven Methodology

Most leadership training programs fail to create lasting change. They appeal to the head without connecting to the heart. The learning simply doesn't stick.

The Awareness Advantage™ is an interactive leadership experience, not just a workshop. Our field-tested methodology equips your leaders with the critical thinking, self-evaluation and relationship building skills they need to lead effectively through 15-weekly, virtual sessions delivered over five months using our proven Awareness Transformation Model™ - Learn - Apply - Reflect - Share.

As experts in human behavior each with 30+ years of experience, we developed a unique methodology to improve self-awareness and emotional intelligence for your managers based on the proven psychology for changing behaviors - CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Science and psychology backed online training to increase self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
Science and psychology backed online training to increase self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
Science and psychology backed online training to increase self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
Science and psychology backed online training to increase self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

Our graduates develop clarity to empower decision-making, curiosity to fuel creativity, and connection to earn loyalty.


When managers see themselves, others and the world around them clearly, they make better decisions. They learn to identify and mitigate their blind spots, challenge their perceptions and assumptions, and better manage expectations.


Curious managers learn to ask the right questions at the right time, starting with their own emotions and behaviors. They develop empathy to understand and value the unique differences and perspectives of others. They create a safe space that inspires and fuels creativity, collaboration and innovation.


Loyalty is created and turnover reduced when managers learn to connect with their people. Connection is the ability to make people feel seen, heard and valued. It is the energy that fuels and empowers healthy relationships through humility, vulnerability, transparency and authenticity.

Our mission is to transform managers into highly self-awareemotionally-intelligent, and truly effective leaders who will earn the trust, respect and loyalty of their people without having to leverage their position or title.

Let's end the struggle.

Transformed Managers Create Exceptional Organizations.

Our graduates tell us they've never experienced a leadership program like this. Experience it for yourself! Reserve your seat today.

We still have openings for the Fall 2022 cohorts.

15 Online Lessons

Every program includes 15-weekly concise online video lessons with quizzes, downloadable audio and supplemental resources.

Practical Application

Each lesson equips and challenges the learner to apply what they've learned in real life settings at work and even outside of work.

Printable Journals

Electronic or paper journaling supports the development of critical leadership behaviors following completion of the online lessons and prepares learners for the weekly discussions.

Weekly Group Sessions

15 weekly virtual group sessions with other like-minded leaders are facilitated to dive deeper into the lessons and real-world application of the learned behaviors to produce greater leadership influence.

Next Cohort Starting Soon...enroll now!

We serve managers, senior leaders and executives who aspire to become greater leaders through facilitated virtual group discussions, online lessons and practical application tools that inspire growth in self-awareness and emotional intelligence leading to a greater impact in their teams, organizations and careers.

Who is the right fit for the next session of
The Awareness Advantage™?

Any leader with the desire to grow, willingness to change, and aspiration to be a great leader can develop the awareness superpower that sets them apart from their peers and solves the biggest problems facing your organization - attracting, engaging and retaining good people.

Each cohort consists of 12 to 18 managers, senior leaders or executives from the same organization.

We also have combined cohorts available for individuals and smaller teams from different organizations.

New cohorts start every Fall, Winter and Spring with a one-time investment $5,000 per person. Group discounts and scholarships available.

Reserve your seat now. It will change your life forever!

Kevin McCarthy & 
Likky Lavji

Patrick Jones - Course author